This post is to provide history of the Kim Genavesi incident that occurred
on Jay Mohr Sports during the week of March 10th.
Feel free to comment if I'm missing anything.
The daily Twitter Hat Trick winners have been dominated by dudes.
Jay and Matty encouraged chicks to start Tweeting the show. Soon after
a new chick named Kim Genavesi started tweeting. She was a hottie
with glasses. On Wednesday March 13th, Matty awarded a regular THTC
member as the winner but Jay overrode him and gave it to Kim. It wasn't
too much longer after the show that Mike in Vegas tweeted that Kim was a
troll account he set up to catfish Matty. It worked! The other THTC
crew tweeted about it that evening and it caught Jays attention. On
Thursday show, Jay mentioned the whole catfishing incident, poked a little
fun at Matty-boy, then went after Mike in Vegas for pretending to be a girl.
Some THTC members thought it was going the wrong direction so they
confronted Jay after the show on Twitter. Magic Uno and Jay went back
and forth for a while. Magic Uno then decided to quit tweeting the show
for a while.