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Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Jay Mohr Sports
« Last post by bjax420 on September 12, 2018, 03:06:33 pm »
Has anyone tried to listen to Jays old time slot on FSR, Doug Gottlieb is Hot Garbage!!!!!  :uhh
Jay Mohr Sports / Jay Mohr Sports
« Last post by bjax420 on June 08, 2018, 08:33:14 am »
Oh how I miss this show....... :(
Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Skip Bayless is a BUM
« Last post by bjax420 on January 04, 2018, 03:20:21 pm »
HEY FOX, Bring back JJ.................HEY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Skip Bayless is a BUM
« Last post by Paul in CT on January 01, 2018, 08:54:29 pm »
Well damn, this is depressing. I'm the 9th person to create a username on this forum and fast forward 4-5 years... it's long over. Makes Boomer and Carton's run feel legendary.. I'm more sad about that.

Happy new year! Let's all hope Rome keeps making a semi listenable show. War Terrence in Sierra Madre! 
Jay Mohr Sports / Jays new podcast
« Last post by bjax420 on August 25, 2017, 07:52:32 am »
Has anybody been listening to jays new sports talk podcast? HEY MAN!!!!!
Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Skip Bayless is a BUM
« Last post by NevilleFor on July 07, 2017, 12:44:53 am »
Troy Aikman (Fox employee) had no problem expressing his feelings about coworker Skip   :lol

I kno, skip is contstantly trolling and making stuff up for ratings.
Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Puttin' his name on it
« Last post by bjax420 on April 12, 2017, 08:41:52 am »
He's back!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY MAN!!!!!!
Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Puttin' his name on it
« Last post by bjax420 on April 03, 2017, 09:41:58 am »
Well said...........HEY MAN!!!!!
Jay Mohr Sports / Puttin' his name on it
« Last post by randomopoly on March 28, 2017, 11:46:46 pm »
The recent Jay podcast is a real soul-opener, and good for him.  In a life like Jay's, when you have a lot of irons in the fire, there's more ways to get burned.  But, I don't even care what specifics lead to it, as long as he stops down now, and takes care of it.  And he will.  He has a good support system of people that love him.  I, like many, got great laughs from JMS everyday, BUT, he needs inner peace more than I need a few giggles.  Things will straighten out in time.  If he still reads ya Jay.
Jay Mohr Sports / Re: will Jay ever come back???
« Last post by randomopoly on March 11, 2017, 12:06:03 am »
I like them both.  Dan's mild mannered "Mr. Milktoast" persona contrasts Knox's "hungover guy, two years out of college" attitude.  I think that Fox Sports Radio, like NBC Sports Radio, lets the time slot just go "as is," because they both know that Rome is winning that radio day-part anyway.  Chances are, Beyer and Knox stays for a while longer.
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