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Messages - DavidInAlief

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Jay Mohr Sports / Jay just vehemently defended the Kardashians
« on: October 14, 2015, 09:16:35 pm »

I'm out.

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« on: September 14, 2015, 11:06:46 pm »
Listened to Friday's podcast....and JJ was slobbering all over Jonas Knox. Said something like "Jonas, the best radio producer ever" or similar. Wow, dial it back a bit JJ, Romey sucking up to Kyle Brandt thinks this is a bit over the top. Sorry to see Toohey go, and we will probably never know why, but erasing him from existence and immediately fawning over the new guy is bad form, IMO.

I noticed this too. Makes me wonder between him saying stuff like that and not even acknowledging Toohey's departure if there wasn't  bad end to thier working relationship.

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« on: September 02, 2015, 06:56:44 pm »
Wow this is messed up. Greg tweeted out something that he was on vacation, so I didn't think anything of his absence. Now I come here to read this. This is every disappointing.

Man, listened to the podcast from yesterday's show (August 19th).  Jay had a vulnerable moment...didn't sound positive at all.  I hope we're not listening to the last shows...only thing I look forward to waking up in the morning here in the UK!!

Jay wears his emotions on his sleeve. I think he's seen the writing on the wall and is starting to go through the motions.

Thanks for the link! Only sucky thing is, when he's replaced they probably won't have his show podcasts. Maybe another station will....

That would really suck if that were the case. I only listen through the podcast.

Hate to say it, but I doubt we hear Jay Mohr on Fox Sports Radio in 2016 - one way or another.

FSR keeps jacking around with his schedule and affiliates, and you can kind of hear it in his voice and content that this is beating him down. Plus, last year on a Mohr Stories he told Mark McGrath that he really wants to get back in TV/movies and he didn't think he had much time on radio left.

I guess we'll just wait and see.


Podcast question: Since we don't get JJ in Indy anymore...I have to listen to the podcasts in iheartradio. I don't get to them all but try for a few every week, usually when doing lawn work or other crap. Why are some of the sound drops missing but others are there. For example, the "scat song" drop doesn't play, but "I'd like to hear about it, potheads" plays all the time. Makes for very choppy listening. I understand that songs can't be played on podcasts for legal/copyright reasons and I'm fine with that....but the hit or miss sound drops are annoying. Is it a radio to podcast conversion issue? Just wondering....

Also, I've noticed "Big Mama Got It All" has disappeared....unless I am missing it. Did the PC police get to JJ? I mean, today you can't do anything that is even remotely considered racist without being tarred and feathered and burned at the a white guy imitating a black woman may not fly in the "everyone gets offended" world we live in...

Keep up the good work though, JJ

This has been a problem for a while now. I'm not sure if it has ever been addressed, and probably only John Ramos knows why.

The worst is when there are Top 3 @ 5s and you won't hear Dan at all because they didn't record his mic.

Only positive I can see from this: maybe we won't get entire segments where Jay breaks down the Dodgers and/or Lakers anymore.

Some brony comic con IIRC

I'm guessing the Lakers are also that home station too.
And now JJ thinks LaMarcus Aldridge, Kevin Love, DeAndre Jordan, and every other big name free agent, all should sign with.... you guessed it: your Los Angeles Lakers! Ego didn't see that coming??

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Jay got mentioned twice on the Smackoff today
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:45:38 pm »
Jay should probably be paying rent since he's permanently embedded in Vic in No call's head.

thats because he does his show from am570, the dodgers home station.

I'm guessing the Lakers are also that home station too.

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Best part of the show is still rapid fire
« on: May 11, 2015, 08:57:28 pm »
Conversely, the new Lionel Hollins "Obviously..." bit has me in stitches.

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Best part of the show is still rapid fire
« on: May 09, 2015, 01:15:03 pm »
Who else hates the Stephen A Smith bit?

During his Dollar Shave Club ad today, he announced he is doing a sitcom soon.

For those that don't listen to Mohr Stories, he also hinted at this about 6 months ago when he was on with Mark McGrath. That his son would be out of preschool and it would be harder for him to do the sports talk show.

So what does this mean for the future of JMS? What are your thoughts?

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