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Messages - BuryCats

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
I'd have to listen again. I don't remember freaking out. Take what you can get. Enjoy what you can. Be happy for everyone who crosses your path and makes you laugh when they get to pursue their dreams.

Sitcom money > radio money. I wouldn't turn down 3 hour national radio show money, but I also wouldn't walk from that for sitcom money. Probably factor or 3x or more. Who in their right mind would?

Jay Mohr Sports / Mohr64 Matchup Links
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:52:57 pm »
On your Mac or PC, these links should open in another tab. If you use Chrome on a Mac, command-click should open the new tab without switching to it, so you can open a bunch of these at once, each in their own tab. Windows users, let me know what key to hold in a reply.

PLEASE do not post tweets with hashtags to all the matches. Bookmark this page in your browser instead. Tweets with hashtags pollute the matches and make them difficult for other to follow and judge. Your intentions are great, but the outcome is bad.

Championship Game Link
Alex Hernandez v. Tim O'Halloran

Final Mohr Links
Vito Region v. Toohey Region (PantsRigorMortis v. Alex Hernandez)
Ramos Region v. Beyer Region (Tim O'Halloran v. Sock Drawer Hero)

Elite 8 Links
Vito Region – 15 (Richard Lackie v. PantsRigorMortis)
Toohey Region – 15 (Alex Hernandez v. Lance Rodeo)
Ramos Region – 15 (Brad Hutchings v. Tim O'Halloran)
Beyer Region – 15 (Erin not Amber v. Sock Drawer Hero)

Tweet 16 Links
Vito Region – 13 (Richard Lackie v. Syl Jones)
Vito Region – 14 (Gearis Herndon v. PantsRigorMortis)

Toohey Region – 13 (Alex Hernandez v. Bella)
Toohey Region – 14 (Lance Rodeo v. DJ Carlile)

Ramos Region – 13 (Etchant Man v. Brad Hutchings)
Ramos Region – 14 (Anthony Fuda v. Tim O'Halloran)

Beyer Region – 13 (The Great Bluedini v. Erin not Amber)
Beyer Region – 14 (J. Cobb v. Sock Drawer Hero)

Round 2 Links
Vito Region – 9 (Richard Lackie v. Daniel Southard)
Vito Region – 10 (Goldfish Ninja v. Syl Jones)
Vito Region – 11 (Gearis Herndon v. Jacob in Ventura)
Vito Region – 12 (PantsRigorMortis v. Frank Ojeda)

Toohey Region – 9 (Alex Hernandez v. French Fry Phil)
Toohey Region – 10 (Twelve v. Bella)
Toohey Region – 11 (Lance Rodeo v. Right Hand Arm, Man)
Toohey Region – 12 (DJ Carlile v. Mike Robinson)

Ramos Region – 9 (Etchant Man v. Tim in Cincy)
Ramos Region – 10 (Brad Hutchings v. Aaron)
Ramos Region – 11 (Anthony Fuda v. Tyler and Ronnie)
Ramos Region – 12 (The Man of Letters v. Tim O'Halloran)

Beyer Region – 9 (NoID Justin v. The Great Bluedini)
Beyer Region – 10 (Erin not Amber v. Jay Gray)
Beyer Region – 11 (J. Cobb v. Rockin' Ramos)
Beyer Region – 12 (ROCsUltimateMohrrior v. Sock Drawer Hero)

Round 1 Links
Vito Region – 1 (Richard Lackie v. Dean Montgomery)
Vito Region – 2 (Daniel Southard v. BRURAYYA)
Vito Region – 3 (Justin Wilson v. Goldfish Ninja)
Vito Region – 4 (MEADindeed v. Syl Jones)
Vito Region – 5 (Gearis Herndon v. NowAMemberNate)
Vito Region – 6 (Jacob in Ventura v. Joe Martini)
Vito Region – 7 (Kevin Ortiz v. PantsRigorMortis)
Vito Region – 8 (Frank Ojeda v. CJ in Irvine)

Toohey Region – 1 (Alex Hernandez v. Chuck Yalden)
Toohey Region – 2 (French Fry Phil v. Genevieve's Daddy)
Toohey Region – 3 (Twelve v. GraveStoneHero)
Toohey Region – 4 (Bella v. Joe Dorvil)
Toohey Region – 5 (Lance Rode v. Mele D)
Toohey Region – 6 (CDCart v. Right Hand Arm, Man)
Toohey Region – 7 (DJ Carlile v. Mark the Shark)
Toohey Region – 8 (Mike Robinson v. Adrien Sherman)

Ramos Region – 1 (Etchant Man v. Joe Lara)
Ramos Region – 2 (Tim in Cincy v. Magic Man Jon Branch)
Ramos Region – 3 (Brad Hutchings v. Ryan Readman)
Ramos Region – 4 (Aaron v. Scotty G)
Ramos Region – 5 (Anthony Fuda v. Ben Tripi)
Ramos Region – 6 (Scott v. Tyler and Ronnie)
Ramos Region – 7 (The Man of Letters v. Rob Johnson)
Ramos Region – 8 (Tim O'Halloran v. Lawrence in Florida)

Beyer Region – 1 (NoID_Justin v. Tyrant the Hawk)
Beyer Region – 2 (The Great Bluedini v. Chim Rychels)
Beyer Region – 3 (Chile Limon v. Erin not Amber)
Beyer Region – 4 (Jay Gray v. WolfmanBaby)
Beyer Region – 5 (J. Cobb v. Atari 2600 Hero)
Beyer Region – 6 (Rockin' Ramos v. Zach Williams)
Beyer Region – 7 (ROCsUltimateMohrrior v. Bobby in SD)
Beyer Region – 8 (David Stinemetze v. Sock Drawer Hero)

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Mohr 64 2015 FAQ
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:27:23 am »
Today through 3/19, 3PM PDT.

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Mohr 64 2015 FAQ
« on: March 10, 2015, 10:11:35 am »

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Mohr 64 2015 FAQ
« on: March 09, 2015, 06:13:45 pm »
None, taken. #ToofTap

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Mohr 64 2015 FAQ
« on: March 09, 2015, 05:47:53 pm »
Stop that. You've been read recently, maybe Friday? Anyway, I figure there will be a lot of Karens and AltDroopy in the first rounds. Lots of new people. See how that plays...

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Mohr 64 2015 FAQ
« on: March 09, 2015, 05:40:25 pm »
Should be up by Wednesday. A lot of work on Dan's plate, and still an opportunity for someone to play in tomorrow.

Jay Mohr Sports / Mohr 64 2015 FAQ
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:56:48 pm »
As told to me by Diamond Dan Beyer, Mohr 64 Commissioner.

What is the #Mohr64??
The 2015 Mohr 64 will span 4 weeks, as we find out who the ultimate tweeter is on Jay Mohr Sports.  This tournament is separate from the THTC on the show, so please continue to tweet the show for the Twitter Hat Trick Contest.

The event is run like any other bracket tournament, where the winner of each game advances to the next round until 1 champion is crowned.

What is a “game”?
Well, each round is covers certain dates.  Each contestant will send in 3 tweets that will be judged against their opponents 3 tweets. Over the span of each timeframe, each contestant will send in 3 tweets and 3 tweets ONLY.  Whoever’s tweets are voted better will advance.

How do I compete and tweet?
Each tweet will need to include the special hashtag assigned to each game.  For example, the tweet would look like this… “That’s all the money we had, KAREN!! #GT1JMS”
   -You don’t need to include “#jaymohrsports” or “@Jaymohr37”, just the game hashtag.
   -If you tweet the show, and want to use that same tweet as 1 of the 3 for your game, that is fine.
   -Also with the game hashtag used only, you have more characters to tweet with.
   -You will also be sent your specific game hashtags in a separate tweet from Dan Beyer. 

When can I tweet?
You can send in the tweet at anytime on anyday during the timeframe, up until 6pm ET/3pm PT on the last day.

You don’t have to listen live.  You can always listen on the podcast, iHeart channel, or if the show is delayed in your market.  This allows you to compete on your time.

You can send in tweets on the first day or last, it doesn’t matter.  But they need to be sent in by that 6pm ET/3pm PT deadline of the final day.

Tweeting rules
Once you send a tweet, do not delete it.  We check often, and can tell if a tweet disappears.  You are allowed only 3, and those 3 will be judged against your opponents 3 tweets.

The tweets should be in regards to the topics that are being discussed on those days of broadcast.

Voting process
The voting process will take place off the air.  Votes will be taken by the Jay Mohr Sports crew to decide who advances.

To allow for participation, each tweet that is sent in for a game can be favorited.  The most favorites someone gets in a “game” will count for a portion of the vote.  So, if someones 3 tweets get 86 favorites total, and another gets 12, then there will be one vote for the person who gets 86.  Remember, this will only count for about 1/5 of the total vote.

Other notes
Original bracket (before play-in games).

The bracket will be updated on  Please check there.

The dates of the rounds are as follows….
   March 11-12: play in games
   March 16-19: 1st round
   March 23-24: 2nd round
   March 25-26: Sweet 16 or “Tweet 16” as J. Cobb calls it
   March 30-31: Elite 8
   April 1-2: Final Four
   April 6-7: Championship

When you win the Twitter Hat Trick Contest on Jay Mohr Sports, you have ONE and only ONE obligation. When the show started in January, 2013, we listeners and tweeters began a tradition of congratulating the winner and the winner thanking people individually. In 2015, we know it can be overwhelming, but we still do it. When I won in February, 2015, it took 2-1/2 hours after the show to get to everyone. No kidding.

So, when you win the THTC, make sure that before you go to bed that night, you get everyone thanked who congratulated you. Your notifications will be overflowing with love and your phone's battery will be near death. But you'll plow through because that is how we roll.

(Posted so we can politely nudge anyone who needs a little nudge in the future with a link.)

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: why does Jay hate A-rod so much?
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:20:15 am »
I've seen A-Rod hit a few majestic home runs at Angels Stadium with a friend who is a die-hard Yankees fan. Actually, I think he was in the beer pavilion maybe watching on a monitor, but I saw them from good seats. And I hope he has a productive year.

If MLB isn't going to ban players for life for PEDs, they've set up a system where being caught is a cost of doing business, and the payoff for being caught one year out of six or seven for use of PEDs is a rational strategy. Add a multi-million dollar salary until your luck runs out, and you're all there if they'd help you keep you the paycheck.

Jay Mohr Sports / Grammunition
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:07:15 am »
When Graham in ATL was whining in my DMs incessantly last week about whatever he didn't like, I suggested he take it here rather than Twitter or Rapid Fire or wherever else. Note that he didn't take it here.

2 years ago, when everyone was bitching about the show, JJ asked everyone to take it here. There's more space to make an argument. It's not flooding people's timelines with silly negativity. And it's a fairly private space that everyone isn't stumbling over. This is nothing new to the old schoolers.

Odds on Graham ever seeing this? Lay them, I'll take the under.

Jay Mohr Sports / Re: Jay Mohr: the 10 records that changed my life
« on: February 13, 2015, 08:39:36 pm »
Some guy asked him on Twitter how his life could change 10 times. I don't know why I thought that was hilarious.

Jay Mohr Sports / Y'all Ready for This? (BTR Bowl Winners)
« on: January 29, 2015, 03:22:00 pm »
Beyer! Toohey! Ramos!

BTR Bowl I - Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Branden in Portland @PortlandBoltFan


Jay Mohr Sports / Re: workin on the night moves..
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:56:49 pm »
It's OK baby, that's his friend's question.

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