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Topics - Steve in HTown

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Jay Mohr Sports / Jay Mohr Sports to be delayed in Houston??
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:28:14 am »
I heard that 790 KBME in Houston is going to move Jay Mohr Sports
to nights on tape delay so they can plug in more local talk*. 

* Texans, offseason moves, mock drafts, etc.

I listen to KBME quite a bit and love the change of pace that is JMS.
Now it's just going to be another 610am with the same regurgitated topics.  :-\


Jay Mohr Sports / #Mohr64 Tournament Rules
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:28:00 pm »
(Sent to me by Diamond Dan)

Quick rundown on the THT Tournament setup……
The 1st round of games will cover 4 days…March 10-13.  Over those days, each entry will have an opportunity to tweet about a topic, like we normally do on the show.  When you send the tweet, you will include a special hashtag, as each matchup will have a specific hashtag (ie: #matty1, #matty2, #beyer1, #ramos5, #toohey6.) You will be given your specific game hashtag before your matchup.  It will also be included on the bracket that is posted online.
Quick notes…..
-You will send in 3 tweets for your “game,” which lasts 4 days.
-It isn’t quantity, it is quality. That is why we are limiting the tweets to 3.
-If you don’t think you have any good tweets from Monday’s show, that is perfectly fine, and wait until Tuesday.  If you have a bunch of really good ones on one topic, send them all in one day.  It doesn’t matter.
-They must have the specific hashtag.  You can even send in the same tweet to the show AND for the tournament.  Just send 2 separate tweets (one with the #jaymohrsports and the other with your matchup hashtag)
-Essentially your 3 tweets will go against the other 3 tweets from your competitor.  They won’t be from the same topic necessarily.
-After Thursday’s show, we will determine who won the 1st round games.
If work is a reason why you can’t participate, you can either blind tweet or withdraw from the tournament.
As for the 2nd round, those games will take place the week of March 17-20.  The same process will take place, but the new 2nd round matchups will have a new hashtag.
The Sweet 16 and Elite 8 will only last 2 days, as will the “Final Mohr” and title game matchups.  The same process will happen for these rounds as well.

Jay Mohr Sports / That Aggie caller
« on: February 12, 2014, 01:28:46 pm »
That dude was a typical Aggie all butt-hurt that Texas gets more glory than A&M  :lol

Jay Mohr Sports / Jeff Luhnow - Houston Astros GM
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:11:39 pm »
I'm a lifelong Houstonian and Astros fan (hold your :lol's) so I was very interested in this podcast.  If you think the interview is Astros heavy, you're wrong.  He tells a great story about how he got into the business of baseball after having other successful careers.  I'm totally on board with the direction he took the Astros.  The farm system is swarming with young talent.  It hasn't been this strong since the late 80's.  I love the idea of building for the future instead of that crap they did last decade where they were always "1 player away" from being a playoff team so they would trade farm talent for someone like Aubrey Huff.

Great podcast.  Go listen.

Jay Mohr Sports / Mobile
« on: January 04, 2014, 08:51:30 pm »
I would like to introduce a mobile-device optimized version of
You will be able to launch iHeartRadio feeds from the affiliates list, listen to the latest
Mohr Stories podcasts, and interact with other members on the forum.

This in not an app, so all you have to do is visit the following link from your mobile browser:
  (bookmark it)

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Forum Threads

Jay Mohr Sports / 5-Timers Club (Twitter Hat Trick Club)
« on: December 18, 2013, 05:25:52 pm »

#Twitter HandleDate

Fastest to 5: funnyhow__ (13 days)

Jay Mohr Sports / 2013 Talkers Heavy Hundred of Sports Talk
« on: December 17, 2013, 09:01:41 am »

Jay Mohr ranked 21st overall in all sports talk radio shows.


Jay Mohr Sports / Jay Mohr Sports - 1 Year and Growing
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:45:27 pm »
To all the haters out there that didn't think Jay's show would last a month,
I'd like to remind them that Jay's coming up on a 1 year anniversary
and has gained many new affiliates (especially Houston).

That's all.

Jay Mohr Sports / Jay Mohr in Houston - November 4th and 5th
« on: October 03, 2013, 12:44:03 pm »
Jay will be at the Houston Improv on November 4th and 5th during
his Texas tour....  AND HE'S BRINGING THE CREW!!!!!!!!


Jay Mohr Sports / Jay Mohr in San Antonio - November 2nd
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:24:42 pm »
Here is the link for Jays show in San Antonio:


Jay Mohr Sports / Twitter-gate
« on: September 24, 2013, 08:10:22 am »
I'll try to clear up the confusion from yesterdays show.  Jay mentioned that the @JayMohrSports twitter handle is not affiliated with the show, which is true, but what he didn't realize is that I ran that account to support this website.  We discussed this after the show and he said he would clear the air today.

As for the Twitter account, I've never tried to deceive anyone as the bio clearly states:  - Jay Mohr fan site. I am not Jay Mohr. To Tweet Jays show, include @jaymohr37 and #JayMohrSports. #Mohrrior#THTC
Houston TX ·

The Twitter account is only used to:
 - promote Jays show
 - retweet interviews and podcasts
 - promote this site
 - follow the THTC winners and congratulate them

I originally set this site up with Jay's blessing so he could have a place for listeners to hang out, as well as have a page to list all of his affiliates.  We then found a need to showcase the winners of the Twitter Hat Trick Club so a page was set up for that.  Although the forum is not as active as first anticipated (thanks Twitter), Jay still responds to suggestions and criticism.  Give it a shot.  His account here is jayjay.

Jay Mohr Sports / Props to Jay and Bun B
« on: September 14, 2013, 11:27:34 pm »
They made a bet on the A&M and Alabama game to send food to
their cities food pantry.  Alabama won but didn't cover the spread
so they decided to split the bet down the middle and send food
to both cities.


Jay Mohr’s Incredible Olympic Wrestling Rant Transcribed.

Actor/comedian Jay Mohr has a daily radio show on Fox Sports Radio which I catch off-and-on throughout the day and download at night.  On my way to the barber (yes, gents, a BARBER, not a stylist) yesterday, I caught a few minutes of the opening of his show yesterday and was blown away by his enthusiasm towards the subject of the IOC removing wrestling from the Olympics in 2020.  Regardless of your thoughts on the matter one way or another, it was fascinating to listen to.  I couldn’t find any clips of it up, so I listened to show again and transcribed it.  Here it is, in its (mostly) entirety.

“This is horrible.  This is why I have this job, ‘cuz for a moment like this for me to explain to you guys how important of a sport this is.  I am a wrestler, it’s in our DNA.  When you sweat, when you grind it out in those wrestling rooms, when you get pinned, when you get choked; now you guys save your tweets.  ‘yeah, wrestling, big deal, it’s kinda fruity, two guys in unitards, ya know, laying on top of each other, they got their packages in each other’s ears’.  I know the knock on wrestling.  I know it.  But I can tell you, as a guy who was an absolute disaster until the age of twelve, I can tell you firsthand that this is a far-more important sport on a personal level to the individual than any sport there is.

No other sport teaches young men and now young women discipline, self-reliance, fitness, nutrition, the true meaning of ‘you’re only hurting yourself’.  That never happens in any other sport more than it does in wrestling.  When that coach turns his head in football practice and you stop doing pushups?  That’s alright. Somebody’s still going to block for you.  You’re still gonna break one off.  You’re still gonna catch a guy coming through the hole and tackle him.  That’s the thing about wrestling, nobody blocks for you.  Nobody passes you anything.  There’s no alley-oops.  There’s no assists.  It’s guy-on-guy.  It’s a guy wrestling another guy.

And here’s what people get lost in their minds about wrestling, because when I talk to kids about wrestling and I talk to them a lot, my dream, actually, because if I wasn’t doing this for a living, I would love to be a wrestling coach,  to teach young men wrestling, to me, would be another dream job.  Because I can’t emphasize to you enough how IMPORTANT this is, and it’s getting cancelled by the IOC and THEY’RE KEEPING IN FRIGGIN PING-PONG AND PENTATHALON!  WHAT THE HECK IS A PENTATHALON?  Why isn’t wrestling a bigger deal?  Because it doesn’t make money?  Why not put VISA on everyone’s ass on their singlets?  ‘Alright, this fireman’s carry brought to you by Sherrie’s Berries!’

I never understood why wrestling wasn’t more prominently showcased on television.  You watch race after race after race after race.  If I watch you run 100 meters, why do I have to watch you run 400 meters, then why do I have to watch you run 1,100 meters?  You’re running!  You’re running in a straight line and you’re running in a circle.  Then you have swimming.  Swimming is not a sport.  As George Carlin once famously said, swimming is a way to keep from drowning.  But swimming stays in and wrestling is out.  I gotta tell you guys, this is a disaster.  You have to understand how far this reaches.

Take wrestling out of the Olympics, you’re effectively stripping it from college and high school.  There is no ‘pro’.  There is no payoff for wrestlers.  That’s what separates a wrestler from the pack.  That’s why wrestlers have a chip on their shoulders, that’s why wrestlers don’t have friends.  That’s why they’re spitting in cups trying to cut weight.  Because they’re doing work.  I remember my wrestling coach, Jim Sauer, used to say ‘boys play basketball, men wrestle’, and he always used to say ‘basketball is a game, football is a game, what we’re doing here is life’, and I never understood what he meant because I was always too busy trying to get out of those pushups, and what he meant was when you’re a wrestler, you’re the only guy at that school that did something so extraordinary, like a boxer who gets up when it’s still dark to do his roadwork, you have to do that when you wrestle as well.

You try to get your fifteen-year-old son to clean his room.  You try to do that.  Now I want you to get that same kid and tell him he can only eat chicken breasts and spinach, and every once in a while gorge himself on some fruit, and get up when it’s dark out and run five miles BEFORE school, and then when he’s at school, he’s going to stay at school and go to a wrestling room and grind it out.  It’s an amazing sport.  It’s the purest sport.  It’s the solo, solo sport.  It’s a monastic life, the life of a wrestler.  Running alone, working alone, working with a team certainly, but working within that team structure, you are crushing it every single day.  You are testing yourself, and when you get uncomfortable, you get exhausted, that’s when you gotta push through.  That’s when you gotta push through, ‘this is where I got tired last time, I gotta push through’.

It is life itself.  When you are in a wrestling room and you are exhausted, and you feel like you’re going to throw up, there’s still a guy trying to take your legs out!  And I got news for you, America!  We live in a world, if you go to a job, someone is trying to take your legs out.  It’s the most indicative sport to what you go through on a daily basis.  Every day, as a grown man, I measure myself.  How do you measure yourself?  By what stick do you measure yourself?  No one has any idea.  ‘Am I nice?  Am I a good guy?’.  Wrestling is the only sport that really gets the core of the man, and the IOC is going to take it from you.

And let me tell you something.  There is no pro.  The reason you wrestle in high school is to get a scholarship to wrestle in college, and the reason you want to be great in college is for your, quote, ‘pay day’, and by ‘pay day’, I mean you get, like, a tote bag and free airfare to Iran.  That’s the payoff: Olympic gold.  It’s a sport where there is never money involved.  We talk all day on this show about guaranteed contracts, we talk about how the unions are ruining the sports, Billy Hunter just got shown the door, hockey just went on strike or had a lockout, however you want to put it, what Commissioner Bettman is doing, you want to know what wrestlers are doing while all that is happening?  Working.  Working harder than you and I ever know what work is.  I remember on career day when the Marine recruiter would come to high school and tell us horror stories about basic training, the wrestlers sat in the back of the room LAUGHING!  Because we knew he couldn’t make it in wrestling practice, and we COULD make it in Marine boot camp because we were wrestlers.

We were degenerates, we were bad kids, but because we got in a wrestling room and a guy taught us a bunch of takedowns and ways to defend ourselves, we had purpose.  We had direction.  We had focus, which became uber-focus, which became hyper-focus.  Right now, I am a 42-year-old man and I can honestly tell you, wrestling, aside from meeting my wife, is the single greatest, most important thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life.  I guarantee you that without wrestling, I’m doing this show in a jail cell, if Premiere was nice enough to give a guy in a jail cell a radio show.

Everybody wants to take karate, everybody wants to do the sexy thing, they wanna fight, they wanna box, they wanna krav maga, they wanna throw.  Every fight winds up on the ground between two cars in a parking lot, wrestler wins.  The wrestlers are separate.  To remove this from the Olympics is so abhorrent, and make such zero sense.  Look at the phones, Olympic wrestler, Olympic wrestler, Olympic wrestler.  We have three Olympic wrestlers calling in.

We’re going to talk Lakers, we’re going to talk pitchers and catchers reporting, but I’m your guy for this.  If I can’t get this point across having this radio show, then I’m the wrong guy for the job.  This is one of the darkest days.  This is worse than McGwire and Sosa testing positive for steroids and breaking all the home run records, this is worse than Lance Armstrong doping, these are guys who DON’T dope!  These are guys that treat their body like a temple because they’re always taught to treat your body that way.  These are the guys that do it.

These are the guys that are in it for one reason and one reason only; to get their hand raised in front of 14 parents in Boonton, New Jersey when it’s freezing cold outside.  Don’t. Let.  This. Happen.  Tweet, retweet, call the IOC, tell them, save Olympic wrestling.  We got guys out there who are so exceptional at what they do, and you’re going to take this from them, but you’re going to keep ping-pong.  You’re going to keep fencing.  That’s completely normal, what are we playing?  Joust?  You can not take wrestling from us.  As a country, as a world, this is the FIRST Olympic event.  I weigh 140 pounds, you weigh 140 pounds, we know the same moves, we trained the most.  But who trained the most when nobody was looking?  THAT’s the guy that’s going to squeeze out a 3-2 win.

Don’t take that.”


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