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Author Topic: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?  (Read 19224 times)

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He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« on: August 27, 2015, 06:40:12 pm »
I just joined the forum today, but LOVE the show and all your guys daily input on the show, I'm a podcaster so I'm usually a day behind so I don't get to tweet the show often but still enjoy every second. But I gotta find out what happened to Toohey ? I've researched everywhere and haven't found anything ?? When JJ talked about the guy covering for Beyer he said " filling" in for Beyer while on vacation but several times now when Jonas Knox has spoke he has been referring to him as " Executive Producer " and not just filling in, plus ZERO sound drops from Toohey since the disappearance .. I don't want to live in a world without that ventriloquist laugh in it .. Somebody has got to know something ??
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 06:56:08 pm by SKyNYrDCHiEF »

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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2015, 07:16:56 am »
Jonas Knox just tweeted he has moved to Jay Mohr sports and Toohey's Fb says former Executive Producer of JMS
:( guess he is out .. No more BTR .. Sucks gonna miss that guy


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2015, 08:18:04 am »
You would think they could say something about Greb's departure. Nothing.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2015, 10:05:07 am »
Uhh yea very hush hush .. They aren't addressing it at all .. Very stretchy I'm listening to yesterday's show now and JJ has called Jonas his Execuitve producer several times and nothing said about the where abouts of Toohey ... But when referencing Beyer says he is on vacation .. I just can't believe no one else has picked up on this ! I've seen people tweet at Toohey about it but no explanation still says on his Twitter he is with JMS but I think he is a goner hopefully just for another gig and not something bad like the ESPN hacks and the Ashley Madison leaked information 😳


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 09:59:05 pm »
I'm a podcast listener too, as Indy doesn't carry him live anymore. Toohey gone? That sucks. I hope JJ will address this, unlike Rome when Travis Rogers left. At the end of one show, Rome gave a maybe 20 second "thank you" to Travis....very lame. Maybe the suits are involved and keeping JJ quiet....who knows?


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2015, 06:56:44 pm »
Wow this is messed up. Greg tweeted out something that he was on vacation, so I didn't think anything of his absence. Now I come here to read this. This is every disappointing.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 03:06:12 am »
Nothing is being said its been 2 weeks now and if you follow the guys on Twitter, IG, Periscope, etc I have seen numerous people ask Jay, Greg and Ramos and none of them have acknowledged it. Jonas Knox announced he was moving to JMS on Twitter and thanked a lot of people that had helped him and so on ..So I think a move was made and they aren't allowed to talk about it is all I can guess I really hope I'm wrong but I doubt I am why wouldn't Jay just say he is on vacation and will be back if that's all it was ? Because it's not it's something more complicated. They must not be letting callers on the show either that say anything about it cause I've seen several of the big time show tweeters tweet the show asking about Toohey to no response. Who knows just feels weird to me to listen now with all this unanswered I wish they would so the listeners would know something.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2015, 10:31:31 pm »
Come on JJ, help us out here....we ride together, right? Unless you're being told to keep quiet by the suits, we deserve an explanation.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2015, 07:54:31 am »
First Matty Boy and now Hong Kong Toohey, never mind the fact that they change his time slot so Rich Eisen can have the office with the window view.  Can FSR f*ck with the chemistry of his show anymore, if it's not broken don't fix it for christ sakes.  Stop trying to re-invent the wheel!!!! 


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2015, 09:07:44 am »
Toohey's twitter page now says Exec. Producer of the Cowherd show.   :(

At least we know what's up.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2015, 11:01:20 am »
He must've changed it again cause now it's just says EP for @ FoxSportsRadio he removed the EP of Jay Mohr Sports " though .., what I don't understand is if he is moving to Cowherd why not address it ? It's within the same family of Fox Sports ?? Jay talks about DP, JT , Cowherd all the time why not just say your well wishes to Greg on Air or on Twitter ? I still think there is more to it ... Either they are being told not to say anything or maybe Jay is upset with Toohey bailing for a " bigger " name .. I can't stand Cowherd so doesn't affect me I"m still going to be a Listening to Jay and the crew just kinda awkward or unlike Jay not to say it all on air.  Maybe more will come out guess we will have to wait and see .


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2015, 01:19:42 pm »
JJ said at the Cincy Meet N Greet that it was a corporate decision. That's all he said. Didn't say where he went.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2015, 10:17:25 pm »
Listened to Friday's podcast....and JJ was slobbering all over Jonas Knox. Said something like "Jonas, the best radio producer ever" or similar. Wow, dial it back a bit JJ, Romey sucking up to Kyle Brandt thinks this is a bit over the top. Sorry to see Toohey go, and we will probably never know why, but erasing him from existence and immediately fawning over the new guy is bad form, IMO.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2015, 11:06:46 pm »
Listened to Friday's podcast....and JJ was slobbering all over Jonas Knox. Said something like "Jonas, the best radio producer ever" or similar. Wow, dial it back a bit JJ, Romey sucking up to Kyle Brandt thinks this is a bit over the top. Sorry to see Toohey go, and we will probably never know why, but erasing him from existence and immediately fawning over the new guy is bad form, IMO.

I noticed this too. Makes me wonder between him saying stuff like that and not even acknowledging Toohey's departure if there wasn't  bad end to thier working relationship.


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Re: He's a Veteran !! Where's Toohey?
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2016, 10:20:09 pm »
I miss 2E, but I'm getting used to Knox now.  Jay plays on how much of a hothead Jonas can be, so it works.